2019 A&D Trophy Awards 于12月2日晚在香港ArtisTree举办了盛大的年度颁奖典礼,揭晓了奖项最终优胜者。由间筑设计主持设计的「围龙屋-从化社区中心」和「艺廊-江门保利中心」从众多参赛作品中脱颖而出,分别荣获公共空间卓越建筑设计奖和卓越室内设计奖。

The winners of the 2019 A&D Trophy Awards were revealed in the gala ceremony on December 2 at ArtisTree in Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. 「THE HAKKA TRIANGLE HOUSE」and「THE GALLERY」designed by TEAM_BLDG stood out from numerous entries and won the Architecture Design Excellence Award and Interior Design Excellence Award for Public Space.

A&D Trophy Awards设计大奖 (原The Perspective Awards) 由香港PERSPECTIVE透视杂志于2004年创立,旨在表彰亚太地区及周边地区在建筑、室内设计和产品设计方面的卓越成就。在过去的15年里,A&D奖凭借强大的行业影响力以及来自欧洲和美国的业界领军人物的广泛支持,从一开始的不起眼的奖项发展成为一项真正被业界尊重的国际奖项,并拥有与全球其他杰出奖项比肩的专业评审组。

The A&D Trophy Awards (previously The Perspective Awards) were created in 2004 to celebrate excellence in architecture, interior design and product design across Asia-Pacific and beyond. For the past 15 years, with a strong network and widespread support from leading industry figures as far afield as Europe and the US, the A&D Trophy Awards have grown from humble beginnings into a competition which is truly respected by the community it serves, with a panel of expert local and international judges comparable with other awards shows globally.